The Accidental Negotiator In The News!

Dr. Jim Anderson was recently interviewed by the web site SaleSchool. They wanted to get his opinion on what it takes to get ready for a negotiation. The writeup, along with a story about how a negotiation that appeared to be lost was saved, is included in their online story. Take a look and let … Read more

Is It Possible To Have A Sales Negotiation With A Friend?

Sigh. So this is a very difficult subject to talk about. Generally when we talk about negotiating, we’re talking about sitting down and going at it with an unnamed and unknown “other side of the table”. When that other side is somebody that we already know, with whom we already have a relationship, things get … Read more

Sales Negotiators Know That A Good Bargain Can Close A Deal

When you are negotiating with the other side of the table, you want them to agree to your deal. In order to make this happen, you have to find a way to motivate them to “buy” what you are selling. One of the most powerful ways to make this happen is to offer them a … Read more

Good Negotiators Know The Power Of “What If?”

How are your mind reading skills? Not so good? Dang – just imagine how handy that would come in during your next sales negotiation. You could just close your eyes and you’d be able to see what the other side of the table was thinking. I can’t help you get magical powers, but I might … Read more

Escalation Power: How To Use It, How To Defend Against It

When we’re talking about negotiating and someone brings up the tactic of escalation what pops into your head right off the bat? Do you see yourself becoming frustrated with the person that you’re negotiating with and getting up and storming off to go have a talk with their boss? That’s one form of escalation, but … Read more

Why Sales Negotiators Need To Watch Out For The Give & Take

You may or may not realize it, but the other side of the table in a sales negotiation might be as smart or even smarter than you are. I say this not to make you worried, but rather to make sure that you remain aware throughout the entire negotiation. A good example of this is … Read more

Why Professional Sales Negotiators Like The Krunch Tactic

In order to be a successful sales negotiator you need to be able to walk away with the lowest prices when you engage in a negotiation. As you might suspect, the key is how you get there. Having multiple tactics that you can use is your ticket to success. The Krunch tactic is a classic … Read more

Why Sales Negotiators Like Salami

Who doesn’t like packaged luncheon meat? Well, ok, maybe a lot of people don’t, but at least when I say the word “salami” everyone gets a mental image of what I’m talking about: one of those sausage looking things that you buy at the store and then proceed to slice off pieces as you make … Read more

Why The Planning Purpose Trap Will Get A Sales Negotiator Every Time

A sales negotiation can sometimes sneak up on you, and if you aren’t careful it can bite you in the rear. One such case is what’s called the “planning purpose trap” and it has bitten more than one sales negotiator. It turns out that there’s really no reason to fall into this trap and so … Read more

Sales Negotiators Must Know The Difference Between Needs And Wants

Professional sales negotiators know that when the other side of the table lays out what they are looking to get out of a negotiation, everything is not as it seems. It turns out that the world of negotiating is divided into two groups: wants and needs. The World Of Wants Whenever any of us starts … Read more