How To Influence The Other Side During A Negotiation

Ultimately a negotiation is all about getting the other side to do what you want them to do. You can ask them, threaten them, beg them, intimidate them, or try a number of other things but ultimately all of your negotiation styles and negotiating techniques are designed to find a way to get them to … Read more

The Best Way To Start A Negotiation

When I’m working with negotiators who want to become better, one of the questions that I’m presented with the most often is not about different negotiation styles or negotiating techniques, instead it is “what is the best way to start a negotiation”. The answer to this question is “any way that will end up getting … Read more

The Ultimate Secret Of Negotiating Success

As negotiators we all want to be successful. We may define what we mean by success differently, but in the end it all comes down to the same thing – we want to get our way in the negotiations without having to give too much away. Although there are many different negotiation styles and negotiating … Read more

Any Successful Negotiation Is All About Commitment

I believe that it pretty much goes without saying that the goal of any negotiation is to eventually reach an agreement with the other side of the table. It’s how we are able to reach that agreement despite all of the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that are being used that can at times be … Read more

Successful Negotiators Know How To Make Time Work For Them

One of the first things that all of us learn about negotiating is that in the end after we get over all of the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques being used, it’s all about time. There is only so much time to conduct a negotiation You only have so much time, the other side only … Read more

Being A Successful Negotiator Is All About Knowing How To Take Calculated Risks

The simple life is not what negotiators have going for them. Instead, the world in which we find ourselves living in is a complicated place filled with many negotiation styles and negotiating techniques along with different things that can trip us up at any moment. It is this world that we need to come up … Read more

Is It Possible That During A Negotiation Company Policy Could Be Your Best Friend?

More than one negotiation that I’ve been involved in I’ve found myself pushed into a corner. There were a lot of different reasons for how this had happened: I was dealing with a sole supplier, I was operating under a very tight deadline, they were better at using negotiation styles and negotiating techniques, etc. I … Read more

In A Negotiation You Always Want To Do More Work Than The Other Side

Ok, so I’m willing to admit it – I’m lazy. If I can get someone else to do work for me, more often than not I’ll ask them to do it. The problem with being this way is that I spend a great deal of my time negotiating. It turns out that when you are … Read more

How To Increase Your Power In A Negotiation: Keep Very Good Records

If we ran the world, and we don’t (yet), then every time that we started a negotiation we’d be in control of how it was going to go. We’d be able to control what issues the other side would object to and which ones they’d be willing to go along with. When an objection came … Read more

Using Negotiating Documents To Get A Moral Commitment From The Other Side

When we are negotiating with the other side, no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques are being used what we are really looking for from them is commitment. Commitment to do what they promise to do. Commitment to continue to uphold their side of the deal even if things change. Commitment to make sure … Read more