Three Sources Of Power In Every Negotiation

So what do you really want to get out of your next negotiation? If you are like most of us, the answer is “the best deal possible”. This all sounds fine and good, but just exactly how does one go about getting the best deal possible during a negotiation? The answer is that if you … Read more

Avoiding The Stall: 3 Ways That A Sales Negotiator Can Keep Control

In every negotiation, you’ll eventually run out of things to say to the other side of the table. I mean, come on, you’ve already said everything. In fact you may have already said everything more than once! You need to be careful when this happens, either side may feel like giving up without having reached … Read more

3 Ways That A Sales Negotiator Can Keep A Negotiation Moving Forward

In every negotiation, you’ll eventually run out of things to say to the other side of the table. I mean, come on, you’ve already said everything. In fact you may have already said everything more than once! You need to be careful when this happens, either side may feel like giving up without having reached … Read more