Negotiators Need To Know How To Shift Into The Right Gear

I’ve got a quick question for you: would it be possible for you to drive from one location to another if you had to use a single gear on your car? The answer is “maybe”, but it sure would take a long time and that would not be a fun trip. As negotiators, we need … Read more

The Secret Goal Of Every Negotiation

Have you ever suspected that there was some secret negotiation styles or negotiating techniques to negotiating that the really good negotiators knew that you didn’t? Well, I’m not going to guarantee that they knew the one secret that you have to know if you want to be a success at negotiating; however, I am willing … Read more

3 Things That A Negotiation Is NOT

As negotiators we spend a lot of time trying to understand just exactly what this thing that we call a negotiation is. We can get lost in the study of countless different negotiation styles and negotiating techniques . It turns out that we’re probably not spending enough time thinking about something else that is just … Read more

What Is The Real Goal Of Any Negotiation?

I’d like to clear something up right off the bat. Negotiating is not something that you and I do every once in awhile. It’s not limited to something that we prepare for and then come to a room, sit down, and start. Rather, it’s a part of every day of our lives. We negotiate with … Read more

2 Things They Don’t Teach You In Negotiation School

When you enter the world of professional negotiations, there are some basic skills that you need to pick up. However, those skills don’t cover all of the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that you are going to need in order to be successful. Among the additional skills that you’ll need are the following two tactics. … Read more

To Prepare For The Future, You Need To Learn To Delight Your Customer

Just exactly what will it take to make your next negotiation a success? Sorry about this, but it’s not going to be the negotiation styles or negotiating techniques that you use. If we keep in mind the cardinal rule of negotiating that each negotiation is just a single step along a path with the other … Read more

How To Successfully Close A Negotiation

Who among us doesn’t like to negotiate? I mean just try to picture the rush of energy that you feel as you sit down to a negotiation. Ponder the clever tactics that you’ll get to use. Imagine the artful negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that the other side may use that you’ll have to detect … Read more

Good Negotiators Know How To Change Dissatisfaction Into Satisfaction

One of the most important questions that every negotiator needs to be considering during a negotiation is just exactly why the other side of the table is there. What are they really hoping to get out of the investment of time and energy that they are putting into this negotiation? Ultimately, they are looking to … Read more

Deadly Sins Of Sales Negotiations: Hope And 3 Others

We all hear so much about the smooth Donald Trumps of the world that we can fall in to the belief that everyone shows up for a sales negotiation better prepared than we are. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, there are four common sales negotiation mistakes that even really smart people … Read more

Shut-Up Is What Sales Negotiators Need To Learn To Do!

Negotiation is all about power. The trick to walking away from a sales negotiation feeling satisfied about what you were able to achieve is to make sure that you walk IN to the negotiation with more negotiating power than the other side has. Sounds easy doesn’t it? I’ve been amazed  over and over again to … Read more