Ways Being A Boss Can Hinder Your Negotiations
Authoritarian negotiators need to understand that their style of negotiating can cause problems and may prevent them from getting the deal that they want
The Premier Blog For Learning How To Use Sales Negotiation And Persuasion Skills Effectively
Authoritarian negotiators need to understand that their style of negotiating can cause problems and may prevent them from getting the deal that they want
Negotiators need to be aware of their negotiating style and they need to be able to change styles when called for during a negotiation
When we start a negotiation, we want things to go our way. The big question that we all wrestle with is just exactly how to make this happen? I believe that a lot of what determines how your next negotiation is going to turn out has to do with how the other side views you. … Read more
I’ve got a difficult request for you. The good news is that if you can find a way to follow my instructions, you’ll become a better negotiator. What I’m going to want you to do is to be yourself in your next negotiation. However, at the same time I’m going to want you to be … Read more
Hey hard-charging negotiator, when your next negotiation starts will you have a plan mapped out for how you are going to be able to get to a deal with the other side? If so, how committed to that plan are you going to be – are you going to follow that plan no matter what … Read more
I’ve got a quick question for you: would it be possible for you to drive from one location to another if you had to use a single gear on your car? The answer is “maybe”, but it sure would take a long time and that would not be a fun trip. As negotiators, we need … Read more
The goal of any negotiation is for you to find a way to reach a deal with the other side of the table. Once we get beyond all of the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that are involved in negotiating, it really comes down to finding the answer to one primary question: what is it … Read more
How do you view yourself when you are conducting a negotiation? Do you see yourself as poised, confident, and above all rational? I think that most of us see ourselves this way. However, it turns out that we might be missing something here – there is a real power in being irrational sometimes… Just What … Read more