How To Negotiate A Raise In 2010

What Makes You Think That You Deserve A Raise? As a new year gets underway, it might be a good time to have a talk about one of your most important types of negotiations: asking for a raise. Wait a minute: did I see you just grimace? Did you turn away? Why the reaction – … Read more

Big Mouth Negotiations: Howard Stern Vs. Sirius Radio

The Background That Howard Stern is famous, nobody can deny. That he is paid a lot of money is another indisputable fact. Where things get interesting (from a negotiating point of view) is what happens when his current contract runs out… If you’ve ever listened to Howard for any length of time, he’s always talking … Read more

5 Ways To Get The Most Out Of A Negotiation Team

The Challenge Of Managing A Team Of Negotiators Today’s sales negotiation sessions have become so complex that it’s almost too much for a single negotiator to handle. That’s one reason that more and more sales negotiators are being handled by teams of trained negotiators. This simplifies a lot of the record keeping and tactical details … Read more

To Team Or Not To Team, That Is The Question

Don’t you just love movies? Whenever there is a negotiation going on in a movie, be it with hostage takers or closing a big business deal, there is always the picture of the noble solitary sales negotiator doing his / her best to close the deal against almost impossible odds. Can you tell me what … Read more

5 Keys To Sales Negotiation Success

How can you become a better sales negotiator? For such a simple question, there seems to be no corresponding simple answer. I guess that we all know that the best sales negotiators seem to always know what to do and when to do it. Now if there was only some way that we could pick … Read more

5 Sales Negotiating Skills For You Should Be Working On Right Now!

Is it ever too early to talk about planning on what negotiating skills you should working on next? Hopefully not because that’s what I’d like to have chat with you about. In order to be a world-class sales negotiator, you have to master literally 100’s of different skills from learning how to mange your negotiating … Read more

5 Questions To Find Out If Someone Is A Good Negotiator

When you hold up a mirror and look into it, what do you see? Do you see a good negotiator? How could you tell if you were looking at one? This is one of those timeless questions that we are always asking ourselves: am I a good negotiator? Well good news, I’ve got the 5 … Read more

3 Rules Of Negotiating Power That You Need To Know

Let your mind drift back to the last sales negotiation that you were involved in. When talk finally got around to negotiating a deal, after all of the PowerPoint slide shows, all of the RFP responses, maybe even the product bake-offs, who had the upper hand – you or the other side of the table? … Read more