What’s The Best Way To Start A Negotiation?

Negotiating is a tough job. Trying to determine how to start your next negotiation can be an even tougher job. There seems to be no limit to the number of different negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that we can use to start a negotiation. We can storm into the negotiating room, throw our things down … Read more

The Art Of Making “How” Concessions

In some negotiating circles, the word “concession” is a dirty word. It means to give in to the other side, to agree to do something that they want you to do. Those negotiators who believe in using their negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to achieve “winner takes all” don’t like this concept because they believe … Read more

How To Be A Successful Negotiator: Learn To Set Objectives

When we enter into a negotiation we need to know what we would like to get out of the negotiation. What this means is that we need to have objectives. Our objectives can come from many different places – ourselves, our boss, or another stakeholder. What’s important is that our objectives will drive the type … Read more

How We View The Other Side Just Might Determine The Kind Of Deal We Reach

When we start a negotiation, hopefully we all know what we’d like to get out of the negotiation. However, as we size up the other side of the table, there is a good chance that we may be making a crucial mistake. We may be making assumptions about them based on their appearance or how … Read more

The Power Of Surprise In A Negotiation

If you were to ask professional negotiators what they really don’t like to happen during a negotiation, I’m pretty sure that they’d tell you that they don’t like surprises. When we enter into a negotiation, we have plans and we believe that we know how things are going to unfold in terms of negotiation styles … Read more

What Characteristics Do All Successful Negotiators Have?

If there is one thing that I think that we’d all like to have then it is to be thought of as a ″successful negotiator″. We know that this is a good thing, but I’m not sure if we can tell someone what it means with 100% clarity. Is it based on negotiation styles and … Read more

The #1 Way To Start A Negotiation

Whenever we sit down across the table from the other party, the big question that hangs in the air is just exactly how should we go about starting this negotiation? There are almost a countless number of possibilities here. However, if we want to be able to reach the deal that we desire with the … Read more

When You Are Negotiating, It’s Really All About Style

When we start a negotiation, we want things to go our way. The big question that we all wrestle with is just exactly how to make this happen? I believe that a lot of what determines how your next negotiation is going to turn out has to do with how the other side views you. … Read more

Tips For Negotiating With Someone Who Is In A Stronger Position Than You

I am always up for a fair fight. No matter if I’m watching a UFC match on TV or if I’m getting ready to go into my next negotiation, as long as the opponents are evenly matched, it’s really anyone’s fight no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques are used. However, as I’m sure … Read more

How To Negotiate With People Who Are Not Very Nice

I dream of the day that I get to pick who I have to negotiate with. I know the type of person that I want to spend time with: they are smart, know the topic, and are committed to reaching a deal with me. As of yet I have not reached the stage in life … Read more