Negotiators Need To Learn How To Deal With Interruptions

Every negotiation has its own unique momentum. No matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques are being used, things just seem to be moving along at a pace that suits that particular negotiation. Sometimes it will be fast and other times it will be slow. However, the one thing that you don’t want to happen … Read more

Who Will Be Listening In On Your Next Negotiation?

In a typical negotiation you sit down at a table and the other side sits down across from you. You can see them, they can see you. All of the discussions that happen during the negotiation can be watched and listened to by everyone in the room. Often times, we’ll direct our conversation to different … Read more

Why Phones Are A Bad Way To Conduct A Negotiation

I don’t like to use phones when I’m negotiating. There, I said it. In this day and age where Apple seems to come out with a new must-have phone almost every other week, it seems like blasphemy to say that you don’t like talking on the phone, but when it comes to negotiating I believe … Read more

Traps Caused By Negotiating On The Telephone

Let’s face it – attempting to conduct a negotiation over the phone is really never a good idea. When we are negotiating face-to-face with someone, we are in control of the situation. We have our notes, we have our support staff, and we have the ability to look the other side of the table straight … Read more

Negotiators Know The Power Of A Well Timed Phone Call

Let’s face it, just about every phone call that we receive is an interruption. When we are engaged in a negotiation, this can be a real inconvenience. I mean really, who can say “no” to a phone call? As disruptive as this can be, this might also be yet another tool that we can use … Read more

How To Use The Zone Of Uncertainty In Your Next Negotiation

One of the biggest questions that we all struggle with when we are in the middle of a negotiation has to do with goals. When a negotiation includes such items as price or delivery dates, we need to understand what we want and then we need to understand how we’re going to go about getting … Read more

Negotiators Know That You Can’t Be Right If You Are Wrong

I can only speak for myself, but when I’m involved in a negotiation, I’m INVOLVED in a negotiation. Unfortunately, what this means is that my attention is almost completely focused on the issues at hand. I’m keeping track of what both sides have agreed to, where the issues are, what negotiation styles and negotiating techniques … Read more

Negotiators Know That They Need To Know When To Use Power

More power. Is that really asking too much? As a negotiator, it sure seems as though all that any of us really wants is more power. If we could get that, so the thinking goes, then we could get the deal that we’re looking for and the world would be a better place. However, it … Read more

How To Deal With The Bogey Man When He Shows Up In A Negotiation

As negotiators we need to always be on guard. We need to expect that the other side of the table will be using a wide variety of negotiation styles and negotiating techniques in order to get the deal that they want. What this means for you is that when the bogey man shows up in … Read more