Sales Negotiators Say The Strangest Things

Although I had intended to write this posting about how we need to be careful when we are documenting sales negotiations with people from other countries, I slowly realized that we need to be just as careful with folks who were brought up in the same country as us. So what’s the big deal about … Read more

A Sales Negotiator’s Friend: The Telephone

What’s your mental picture of a typical sales negotiation? When you close your eyes do you see a lushly carpeted board room with a large oval table in the center and padded leather chairs all around it? If so, then in most cases you are sadly mistaken. An amazing number of sales negotiations occur over … Read more

Boeing Strike Is Over: Did Negotiation Save The Day?

Just in case you had not heard, the Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers has settled its strike with Boeing. The machinists had been off the job and on the picket lines for 52 days – a very long time for a Boeing strike. Both sides are calling the agreement that they came to as … Read more