What Role Do Emotional Triggers Play In Our Negotiations?

We may not understand just how much emotional triggers influence us

I want you to spend a moment thinking about the last time that you walked into a room in order to start a negotiation. Where was your head at? Did you look across the table and see reasonable people who were there trying to find a way to reach a deal with you? Or were … Read more

Tips From A Negotiator For When You Want To Buy A Car

Negotiating is how you get the best deal when you want to buy a new car

Even the best negotiator in the world probably does not look forward to the process of buying a new car. They know what they are in for: a lengthy process in which they have to go back and forth with a salesperson, using all manner of negotiation styles and negotiating techniques, haggling over details and, … Read more

What’s The Best Way For A Negotiator To Resolve A Dispute?

Would it not be a wonderful world if during each of our negotiations, we were able to get along nicely with the other side of the table? Sure, there are always going to be things that we disagree on, but we’d always be able to work through them and eventually once again see each other … Read more