How To Successfully Close A Negotiation

Who among us doesn’t like to negotiate? I mean just try to picture the rush of energy that you feel as you sit down to a negotiation. Ponder the clever tactics that you’ll get to use. Imagine the artful negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that the other side may use that you’ll have to detect … Read more

Good Sales Negotiators Know Not To Fear A Deadlock

What’s the one thing that negotiators fear the most? Not being able to reach a deal with the other side – this would mean that we’ve wasted everyone’s time with our negotiations. There are a lot of different terms to describe this situation, but the one that strikes fear in everyone’s heart is “deadlock” simply … Read more

Avoid A Deadlock By Making Your Negotiation Bigger

One of the reasons that negotiations can end up in a deadlock is because what we are discussing becomes too small. There are only a few issues on the table and we just can’t agree on them. As a sales negotiator, what you need to do when this happens is to make the negotiations bigger! … Read more